What are the most common causes of premature births?

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Premature birth denotes the cases where a baby is born before the appropriate time for it to be delivered. Generally, the necessary time that a baby is required to develop fully and to be able to come into the world as a fully grown infant is 37 weeks. If a baby is born before this time duration is complete, then it is termed as premature birth. Premature birth can be also classified as late preterm, moderately preterm, very preterm, or extremely preterm. It can be determined based on the week in which the baby is born. Premature birth can cause a lot of difficulties in the abilities of a baby, and this may vary based on various factors.

Premature birth can cause physical disabilities in the baby like low weight, low-fat content in the body, very little activity, fluctuation in body temperature, lack of coordination in movements, difficulty in feeding, etc. If the baby is born at a very early stage, then it is prone to more chronic illnesses like pneumonia, anemia, brain hemorrhage, hypoglycemia neonatal sepsis, etc. Mostly, the earlier the birth, the more complicated the issues are.

When a baby is born, some signs can be observed to find out if the baby is born prematurely or not. Some of the symptoms include fine hair all over the body, a disproportionately large head to the body, low body temperature, respiratory problems, etc. All of these signs need to be checked when a baby is born to be sure that it is not a premature baby.

Common causes of premature birth

Some of the most prevalent causes of premature birth include –

  • If the mother suffers from diabetes, then there are chances for the baby to be born preterm. Thus, women suffering from diabetes need to take extra care of their health and consume sufficient levels of nutrients to help them improve their health.
  • If the mother does not take in the required levels of nutrients before and during pregnancy, then the baby will also be affected by the lack of nutrition.
  • Infections in the mother’s body, like urinary tract infections or amniotic membrane infections, might affect the development of the baby. Infections can also be caused in the mother’s body due to diabetes.
  • If there are any abnormalities in the uterus of the mother, it could lead to the premature birth of the baby.
  • If the mother smokes cigarettes, takes drugs, or consumes alcohol at a very high rate, then it could lead to the preterm delivery of the baby.
  • If there has been a case of previous premature delivery, then there are chances for it to occur again.
  • Instances of stress or trauma can lead to premature birth. The mother needs to take extra care to prevent extreme emotional imbalances. 
  • Being underweight or overweight before or during pregnancy can cause premature birth. Therefore, the optimal weight should be maintained.
  • High blood pressure can also be a cause.
  • A high number of miscarriages and abortions can also be a cause.
  • If there are any problems faced with the uterus, placenta, or, cervix that might also be a cause.

A Word From Fine Fettle

Although various causes could affect the full development of the baby in the mother’s womb, some helpful ways can assist mothers in making sure that such conditions do not occur. One of the most fundamental ways of doing this is through food and nutrition. Fine Fettle has some brilliant nutrition tips for pregnant women that can help you to be proactive through your diet. Through a proper diet, various conditions causing premature birth can be avoided proactively.

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