Lung Cancer & its Early Signs | Fine Fettle

quick health tips

In human beings, we are aware that the respiratory process mainly involves the functions of the lungs, two organs that are located in our chests. When we breathe, the air enters the trachea and reaches the bronchi and further into the bronchioles and finally reaches the alveoli, which are like airbags that are in the lungs and the final receivers of the air inhaled.

The entire human body is made up of cells of different types. Cancer is when these cells start to grow rapidly in an uncontrolled manner. The overgrowth of these cells causes the formation of tumours in the lungs, which are small in the early stages and grow further with time. The tumours grow even before the early symptoms start to show, and this makes it difficult to identify the growth of the disease in the body. In our lung, cancer typically starts in the bronchi or the alveoli.

It is always best to know the symptoms and early signs of a disease so that early treatment can be done. It is very much so for lung cancer as well. If it is spotted and treated as early as possible the chances of recovery are very high, and damages can be reduced. Although it can be hard to tell the difference between symptoms caused by cancer tumours and other illnesses it is good to consult a doctor if the following symptoms are persisting in one’s body.

Early Signs of Lung Cancer:

  • COUGHING – If one finds themselves coughing uncontrollably for longer duration than usual then this could be a symptom of lung cancer. This condition tends to get worse and more painful over time.
  • CHEST PAIN – This includes the chest pains caused by extensive coughing or even while breathing deeply or laughing. These pains are persistent and can aggravate by performing any activity that involves the respiratory system.
  • BLOOD IN PHLEGM – The person might notice blood in their phlegm that could be expelled while coughing. Blood can also be coughed up without any phlegm.
  • CHANGE IN VOICE – There could be changes in the voice as it could be due to the coughing and damage of the windpipe and throat. This causes hoarseness of voice.
  • LOSS OF WEIGHT – The affected person could start losing a lot of weight all of a sudden for no particular reason. This can be detected as a sudden change in the person.
  • SHORTNESS OF BREATH – There could be shortness of breath without doing any physical activity. There could be signs of wheezing also.
  • SWELLING – There could be some swelling and enlargement of the chest and neck veins as the tumours could be blocking them. There could also be swelling up of the arms, torso, and face.
  • TROUBLE SWALLOWING – The patient, due to extensive and prolonged coughing, could have trouble and pain while swallowing.

A Word From Fine Fettle

These are some of the common early signs of lung cancer. These symptoms are not the final check for the disease as you need to get it checked by a doctor to confirm the cause of such symptoms, but it is good to be proactive and have knowledge about the disease so it can be acted upon as early as possible. If any of the above symptoms or many of them are found to be there in your case, then get yourself checked and follow the instructions of the doctor to recover and restore your health as quickly as possible.

In Fine Fettle, we also provide a range of health tips and ways in which you can steadily overcome lung cancer. We have the most effective and delicious recipes to help you with your diet during your healthy recovery. Fine Fettle is where you can get all information and methods to support your health and wellness journey.

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