Miniature Cooking – Kodo Millet Sweet Pongal

Kodo millet, also known as varagu in Tamil, is a small, brownish cereal. Its botanical name is Paspalum scrobiculatum. In India, people consume it like rice or use its flour to make pudding.

Nutritional Value of Kodo Millet

Kodo millet is a storehouse of nutrients, a great substitute for rice and wheat. With a whopping 11% protein for every 100 grams, it is also a rich source of fiber at 10 grams, 66.6 grams of carbohydrates, 353kcal, 3.6 grams of fat, besides the impressive presence of calcium, iron, polyphenols, and various other nutrients.

Health Benefits of Kodo millet

Controls Diabetes

Kodo millet has a moderate glycemic index (GI). Hence, it will not spike your blood sugar levels rapidly.

Helps Regulate Blood Cholesterol Levels

Kodo millet is low on calories and fat and thus regulated blood cholesterol levels and promotes the growth of healthy growth bacteria.

Fights Chronic Ailments

Kodo millets are a rich source of powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants also act against free radicals causing damage to the cells, tissues thus preventing various types of cancers.

Improves Digestion

Kodo millets are incredibly high in dietary fiber and gluten-free.  Hence, they can improve your digestion and prevent constipation.

Helps in Weight Loss

It triggers metabolic activity, fights against metabolic syndrome especially in the adolescent boys and girls thus aiding in shedding that stubborn fat in and around the waist, abdomen and hips.

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